Today, Kujik told me there my dad's pic at Rano's web.. I checked and it was right.. Before i saw the pic, Rano says that there's 50% off at J'Other Office.. I told Domz about it and he bring me out for lunch and blanja me since he haven't treat me on his b'day..
So, I bring Ren along but she doesn't want to go, so I din't go.. Umar yelled calling my name to bring me to the pantry for lunch.. He blanja me 'ayam masak kicap'.. Hehe.. Before it, Sia Ping called asking if I'm coming with Dom or not and I sed I don't join them and he bought me 'Lemon Green Tea with Rainbow Jelly'.. What a day?? Hehe.. Gtg.. Have work to do..